Important Information for Potential Investors

This document serves as a disclosure statement for the Regulation A offering by Strata Capital Companies ("the Company"). Before considering any investment, potential investors are strongly advised to read and understand the following key points:

1. Nature of the Offering:

- This offering is being made under Regulation A of the Securities Act, allowing for a public offering of securities up to a specified limit.

2. Investment Risks:

- All investments involve risks, and prospective investors should carefully review the risks associated with this offering, which are detailed in the offering circular.

3. Financial Information:

- The offering circular contains comprehensive financial information about the Company, including audited financial statements. Investors should review this information to make informed investment decisions.

4. Use of Proceeds:

- The document outlines how the Company intends to use the funds raised through this offering, providing transparency on the allocation of capital.

5. Business Overview:

- Investors will find detailed information about Strata Capital Companies' business, operations, and strategies in the offering circular to assess the viability of the investment.

6. Management and Team:

- Background information on the management team, key executives, and their qualifications are provided to help investors evaluate the leadership of the Company.

7. Terms of the Offering:

- The offering circular includes the terms of the offering, such as the offering price, minimum and maximum investment amounts, and any associated fees.


This disclosure is a summary, and potential investors should carefully review the full offering circular, seeking advice from financial and legal professionals if necessary, before making any investment decisions. By participating in this offering, investors acknowledge that they have thoroughly reviewed the disclosed information and understand the risks associated with investing in Strata Capital Companies.